RD$13,400 million fraud alleged in Social Security health plan funds

2 days ago 2

Santo Domingo.- A criminal complaint has been filed over the misappropriation of RD$13,400 million from the Social Security Family Health Plan. The funds were allegedly funneled to Health Risk Administrators (ARS) for fictitious expenses related to traffic accidents, violating Article 119 of Law 87-01.

Those implicated include the Social Security Treasurer, Henry Sadhala, the National Social Security Council, the Superintendency of Health and Occupational Risks, the Comptroller General of Social Security, and several ARS entities. These administrators, such as ARS Simag, Mapfre Salud ARS, and Primera ARS Humano, among others, reportedly received illegal deposits in their accounts, totaling RD$13,400 million, as confirmed by the Social Security Treasury.

The complainants, including Pedro Botello, Attorney Surun Hernández, and various worker organizations, labeled the situation as a significant fraud that has impacted the health and lives of Dominican workers. Many individuals who contributed to social security were denied medical coverage, leading to preventable deaths. The complaint calls for swift action from the Public Ministry, denouncing the enrichment of insurance and social security businesses at the expense of the Dominican people.

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